05 June 2023

Global Check-in is a new look at Polish exports. Although it is mainly based on trade with the countries of the European Union, it is also mature enough to start conquering hitherto inaccessible markets. At the same time, the conference also decided to address the challenges of the single European market.
An important element of the conference was the topic of electronic commerce. We see the need to open not only new markets, but also new sales channels. Despite the high level of online sales in the domestic market, there are still very few companies using e-commerce to sell abroad.
Global Check-in is an invitation to think more broadly about exports both geographically and from the supply side. Both the name and the formula of the conference do not coincidentally indicate travel: entering each new market requires preparation and is a form of expedition. However, we have no illusions: export is not sightseeing tourism and pleasant business trips (although they can be like that!). Exporting is hard work that can be profitable.

To call
Therefore, if business partners are interested in trade-economic cooperation in Ukraine-Poland/EU format, we suggest filling in a questionnaire-form and providing detailed information about the goods or services that are in demand or on offer. By receiving specific information, we will be able to provide quick feedback on potential stakeholders, as the most important thing for any business is to establish contacts and select a reliable partner with whom cooperation will help achieve the desired results.